So! I think it's safe to say that the blog's transition from Les Livres to Here Be Bookwyrms is, for the most part, complete! There are a couple of things here and there that still need to be tweaked, but those will be updated once I'm able to. Old followers may notice that in addition to the new layout, I've added a few things to the sidebar! You can now follow via Networked Blogs or Linky Follower, instead of just with GFC or by email. I hope this makes following the blog a bit more convenient for some of you! I've also added a search box, since I know the index of labels is fairly extensive, so anyone looking for something specific should have an easier time of it.
Obviously, I'm not a web designer, but I am pretty pleased with the new look here! I hope you all like it, too. I think it's a lot cleaner than my last layout, with only two columns and a more simple background. I really felt like my last layout was a bit too cluttered, with everything so close together. I was hoping to manage a nicer signature for my posts, but this one is fine for now!
I would really like to do a giveaway to celebrate this rebirth of sorts, but I'll have to wait and see what my funds are like after I pay my bills and such with my next check! Sooner or later, though, I'll be doing one, so keep a weather eye out!

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